Page name: Lycan's Pride [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-08-26 02:26:28
# of watchers: 16
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This area is for the embodiment of all wolves every where


1.[shadow frost wolf]> Caita
3.[EnigmaXero]> Aura
4.[Bobby Bro]> Bobby
5.[Dark Shiva]
6.[~Spirit Fox~]> Kieta
7.[mushi ^_^]
8.[Khronos Atmosphaera]> Tenshi
9.[Demon Epona]
11.[Kailynn]> Rika
13.[Aki Neko]> Aki
14.[Amiantos Khronos]> Aya
16.[Piercedskull]> Mercury
19. [Kurai Tenma]
20.[Just Dan]
24. [The Dark Wolf]
25.[Lady Arrianya]
26.[LinkTurrner] Max
27.[Silverline's Escape]

wolf pics

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2008-09-27 [Silverline's Escape]: Yup.

2008-09-27 [LinkTurrner]: but it was funny

2008-09-27 [Silverline's Escape]: very

2008-09-27 [LinkTurrner]: but i hope it never happens agin

2008-09-27 [Amiantos Khronos]: :D *eating cheese*

2008-09-27 [Silverline's Escape]: seriously

2008-09-27 [EnigmaXero]: -_-

2008-09-27 [LinkTurrner]: now what to do

2008-09-27 [Amiantos Khronos]: Don't be a -_- Aura. *gives her cheese*

2008-09-27 [EnigmaXero]: MHM! CHEESE...
I was gunna say something...
but I think I'll be nice for once, even though people are rude.

2008-09-27 [Amiantos Khronos]: *petpet*

2008-09-27 [EnigmaXero]: *petted* ^-^

2008-09-27 [Amiantos Khronos]: ^.^ *luffs upon*

2008-09-27 [EnigmaXero]: ^-^
*luffs back*

2008-09-27 [Amiantos Khronos]: *coughs on* DX CAN'T STOP COUGHIN AURA.

2008-09-27 [EnigmaXero]: DX!!!
*coughed on*
Is kay.
Least you're not pukin on me. <3

2008-09-27 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: O_O... >=( ... Leg humping... without me.

2008-09-27 [EnigmaXero]: >=O!! *rushes over to Tenshi and leg humps* DX!!!!!!!!!!! <3?

2008-09-27 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: OH YES! <3<3<3<3

2008-09-27 [EnigmaXero]: ^-^!!!!!
*leg humpage*

2008-09-29 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: xD

2008-09-29 [EnigmaXero]: <.<...

2008-11-04 [Silverline's Escape]: Where'd everehbodeh goes? O.O

2008-11-04 [Amiantos Khronos]: To candy island.

2008-11-06 [shadow frost wolf]: Adventure!!!

2008-11-06 [LinkTurrner]: *rolls eyes*

2008-11-07 [Amiantos Khronos]: Hahhah~ I love that show.

2008-11-08 [shadow frost wolf]: its funny, that and chowder ^^

2008-11-08 [Amiantos Khronos]: Of course. :)
I always wondered if they were created by the same person/people...

2008-11-18 [shadow frost wolf]: they came up at the same time, id look it up, but my comp has been acting up, it wont let me on certain sites, like yahoo ;_;

2008-11-19 [LinkTurrner]: they where made by the same person, he's only about 15 too.

2008-11-19 [Amiantos Khronos]: Wow, serious?

2008-11-19 [LinkTurrner]: ya, I am

2008-11-19 [Amiantos Khronos]: That's kinda crazy.

2008-11-19 [LinkTurrner]: it is

2008-11-19 [Amiantos Khronos]: It's pretty amazing though.

2008-11-20 [shadow frost wolf]: thats really cool ^_^

2008-11-24 [Shinju_Rorain]: wow i havent been here for a long time..

2008-11-24 [Silverline's Escape]: no one really comes here anymore. it really sucks.

2008-11-24 [LinkTurrner]: ya it does...

2008-11-26 [shadow frost wolf]: most of the regulars are barely on nowadays

2008-11-26 [LinkTurrner]: ya

2008-11-27 [Amiantos Khronos]: =0

2008-11-27 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: =O

2008-12-01 [Kurai Tenma]: BOO?

2008-12-01 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Your balls kicked you in the balls.

2008-12-01 [Amiantos Khronos]: That had balls kick them in the balls.

2008-12-01 [Kurai Tenma]: ? Why would balls want to kick anything in the balls? They know how bad it hurts.

2008-12-01 [Amiantos Khronos]: Because they're dicks.


2008-12-01 [Kurai Tenma]: =(( wah.

2008-12-01 [Amiantos Khronos]: You know that was funny.

2008-12-01 [Kurai Tenma]: Yeah, it was. Lol. I give you that.

2008-12-01 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: LOLOMG! XDDD!!!

2008-12-01 [Amiantos Khronos]: HAH. Victory.

2008-12-02 [shadow frost wolf]: wait...balls that kick themselves?? isnt that a disease???

2008-12-02 [Amiantos Khronos]: Nay. That pair of balls got kicked by another pair of balls.

2008-12-02 [shadow frost wolf]: ah....gonna remove that image from my mind now.....nope, still there O_O

2008-12-02 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: O_O... Queerity.

2008-12-02 [Amiantos Khronos]: You'll have nightmares~

2008-12-02 [shadow frost wolf]: i dont need another nitemare...this'll be number seven. In a row.... -_-

2008-12-02 [Amiantos Khronos]: :///

2008-12-02 [shadow frost wolf]: they arent normal, thier stupid >.> i had one where my mom was a floating pink lizard clown....

2008-12-02 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: O_O...

2008-12-03 [Amiantos Khronos]: :/ I say.

2008-12-03 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: O___O

2008-12-04 [shadow frost wolf]: my bad, typo, purple lizard ^^'

2008-12-04 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: O___O ... That... can't be healthy.

2008-12-04 [Amiantos Khronos]: I'll never be able to look at your mother the same.

XD I've never even seen your mom. But now I just see a purple lizard dressed as a clown.

2008-12-04 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: I wish my mom would dress as a purple lizard with... wait.. she probably would.

2008-12-04 [Amiantos Khronos]: Oh, she would.
D: I need to talk to yuor mom, actually.
Well, not actually, but would like to. lawlz.

2008-12-05 [shadow frost wolf]: butt slam? *nods* Butt slam!

2008-12-05 [Amiantos Khronos]: BUTTSCRATCHER? BUTTSCRATCHER!!

2008-12-05 [shadow frost wolf]: I'll take two!

2008-12-05 [Amiantos Khronos]: BUTTSCRATCHER! *hands you Deharius*


2008-12-05 [Kurai Tenma]: scary.

2008-12-05 [Amiantos Khronos]: BUTTSCRATCHER, Joshua?

2008-12-05 [Kurai Tenma]: NO.

2008-12-05 [Amiantos Khronos]: D: Ahw... u.u BUTTSCRATCHER... uu.uu

2008-12-05 [EnigmaXero]: XD

2008-12-05 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Why do you need to talk to my mumz? She'd be like >( ... I made two pounds of macaroni!

2008-12-05 [EnigmaXero]: XDDD!
Tjat's a ...that's** a lot of mac and cheese..
wait, we've discussed this...
What would YOU do with 2 lbs of mac and cheese?

2008-12-05 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Bathe naked in it.

2008-12-05 [Amiantos Khronos]: D:? Why would she be >( at me? DXXX;;;

What would I do with 2 lbs of mac and cheese?

Eat some. Save the rest for later. XD

2008-12-05 [EnigmaXero]: -.-
Oh my...
bathe naked in it...
You're not Dravie. XD

2008-12-05 [Amiantos Khronos]: Whoa, whoa.

2008-12-05 [EnigmaXero]: Dx...
Sroryr. XD

2008-12-05 [Amiantos Khronos]: XD No, I laughed

2008-12-05 [EnigmaXero]: I can't remember if I did or not.
But I did get the image of him trying to fit into a 2 lbs bucket to bathe naked in mac and cheese.

2008-12-05 [Amiantos Khronos]: I think that might ruin mac and cheese for me after this. x_x Not even Kazukai would justifty this... DXXD

2008-12-05 [EnigmaXero]: XDDD!
I'm so sorry.

2008-12-05 [Amiantos Khronos]: xD Of course, I was just kidding though. Mac and cheese is too good to give up. >D

2008-12-05 [EnigmaXero]: I know. >D...I grew up eating it.XD

2008-12-05 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: I grew up in it.

2008-12-05 [EnigmaXero]: o_o;;...

2008-12-05 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: >(

2008-12-05 [EnigmaXero]: DX?!?:1??!?1?!??!?1?/!?! Random / and : in there. <.<

2008-12-06 [Kurai Tenma]: Your mom grew up on it.

2008-12-06 [EnigmaXero]: That is kinda true if you're talking to me. *points up* XD

2008-12-06 [Kurai Tenma]: lol

2008-12-24 [shadow frost wolf]: Jesus Rice, i havent even been on ET in like 1.5 months XD

2008-12-24 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: >O

2008-12-24 [EnigmaXero]: O<!!

2008-12-25 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: DX

2008-12-25 [EnigmaXero]: =O!

2008-12-26 [shadow frost wolf]: OO...

2008-12-26 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: ^.^???

2008-12-26 [EnigmaXero]: <.<

2008-12-26 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: DX?!

2008-12-26 [EnigmaXero]: v.v

2008-12-26 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: w.w

2008-12-26 [EnigmaXero]: ww.ww

2008-12-26 [Khronos Atmosphaera]:

2008-12-26 [EnigmaXero]: oooo_oooo

2008-12-26 [Amiantos Khronos]: O_insert eye

2008-12-26 [EnigmaXero]: XD

2008-12-26 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: O.O

2008-12-26 [Amiantos Khronos]: (:

2008-12-26 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: ^^

2008-12-26 [Amiantos Khronos]: ^-^

2008-12-27 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: ^^^^.^^^^!

2008-12-28 [Kurai Tenma]: *RUNS in fear of arachnids*

2008-12-28 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: TTTT.TTTT!!

2008-12-28 [EnigmaXero]: *pets the arachnids*..*ish an arachnid* XD

2008-12-29 [Kurai Tenma]: jerks.

2008-12-29 [EnigmaXero]: <<<<.<<<<

2008-12-29 [shadow frost wolf]: *poke,poke,poke,poke,poke,poke,poke,poke*

2008-12-29 [EnigmaXero]: xxxx.xxxx

2008-12-29 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: >>>>.<<<<!!!!!! *pounces on Caita* ... *is just a mini spider* DXXXXXXXX

2009-01-01 [Amiantos Khronos]: "*pets the arachnids*..*ish an arachnid* XD"

for some reason, that was really funny. xD

2009-01-01 [EnigmaXero]: XDDD!

2009-01-01 [Amiantos Khronos]: That's so weird too, though, because the other day, I was thinking of giving my character the middle name Arachne, because she is... all spidery? XD Alaëla Arachné.

2009-01-01 [Amiantos Khronos]: She's Arcain's sister.


2009-01-01 [EnigmaXero]: XD!
That's an awesome name. ^^ I like it.

2009-01-01 [Amiantos Khronos]: x3 Yeah? I thought so, too.

2009-01-01 [EnigmaXero]: ^-^

2009-01-01 [Amiantos Khronos]: =O

2009-01-01 [EnigmaXero]: =O!?

2009-01-01 [Amiantos Khronos]: D:>?

2009-01-01 [EnigmaXero]: x_x

2009-01-01 [Khronos Atmosphaera]:


2009-01-01 [Amiantos Khronos]: *mashed*

2009-01-01 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: I eat supercells for a living.

2009-01-01 [EnigmaXero]: =O....=X....Nevermind

2009-01-01 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: O_O.... Wut? WUT? WUT?! SAY IT PUNK! >O!

2009-01-01 [EnigmaXero]: =O! NO...

2009-01-01 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Fine.

2009-01-01 [EnigmaXero]: It was... not right .XD

2009-01-01 [Amiantos Khronos]: XD WHAT?! You... XD I think I might know what she meant.

2009-01-01 [EnigmaXero]: DX....

2009-01-01 [Amiantos Khronos]: <<?

2009-01-01 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Actually I didn't know. u.u!

2009-01-01 [Amiantos Khronos]: Hm?

2009-01-01 [EnigmaXero]: ...*explained*

2009-01-01 [Amiantos Khronos]: :0

2009-01-02 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: I eat your mom for a living.

2009-01-02 [Amiantos Khronos]: That's a big job.

2009-01-02 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: LOL!

2009-01-02 [Amiantos Khronos]: Lawlzerjuice.

2009-01-02 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: I wunt sum of dat.

2009-01-05 [Amiantos Khronos]: I has it.

2009-01-05 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Gimme.

2009-01-06 [Amiantos Khronos]: It's in the trash can.


Randy: "OH-" *makes a face* "I just smelled trash juice."
Me: "Whatthefuck? Trash juice?"
Randy: "Yeah. Let's make a song about it." *starts rappin'* "What's in my trash? JUICE!"
Me: "...not a rap song."
Randy: "Oh, okay..." *starts headbanging and screaming*
Me: DX *walks away*...'

He's WAYYY too serious when he's unserious. Lol.

2009-01-07 [shadow frost wolf]: akward O_O

2009-01-07 [EnigmaXero]: <.< Your mom is awkward.

2009-01-07 [shadow frost wolf]: .> your cat is akward.

2009-01-07 [EnigmaXero]: DON'T HAVE A CAT! =O!

2009-01-07 [shadow frost wolf]: DONT HAVE A MOM! =O!

2009-01-07 [EnigmaXero]: YOU DO!

2009-01-07 [shadow frost wolf]: PROVE IT!

2009-01-07 [EnigmaXero]: =_=
You've talked about her before.

2009-01-07 [shadow frost wolf]: "Dang it..." *drops the mic and walks off stage*

2009-01-07 [EnigmaXero]: XDDD

2009-01-08 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: o_o

2009-07-21 [shadow frost wolf]: Geezus I havent been here in ages XD

2009-07-21 [EnigmaXero]: No one has obviously. o.o

2009-07-22 [shadow frost wolf]: a bit sad, i used to love hanging and talking here ^^

2009-07-22 [EnigmaXero]: I know. =/

2009-07-23 [shadow frost wolf]: life and death are the fates of a wiki

2009-07-23 [EnigmaXero]: Mhm. Some live forever, some just kinda die off, and then are revived... and some just die period.

2009-07-28 [shadow frost wolf]: i miss the denstu no zelda wiki xD i fought tenshi there once

2009-07-29 [EnigmaXero]: Lol. I was just on there the other day... Eh.. things like this come and go..

2009-08-04 [shadow frost wolf]: true, im not exactly an active member nowadays

2009-08-05 [EnigmaXero]: Not many of us are, lol.

2009-08-05 [Lady Arrianya]: so many of us have gotten so busy i think we have kind of forgotten about everything here that once was

2009-08-07 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: We are getting older, and all sadly moving on.

2009-08-07 [EnigmaXero]: And finding more important things to do with our lives that we used to not have. XD

2009-08-08 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Well, yes. XD That too!

2009-08-08 [EnigmaXero]: XDD

2009-08-08 [Lady Arrianya]: unfortunately

2009-08-13 [shadow frost wolf]: i cant wait for school to start, and at the same time im terrified.

2009-08-13 [EnigmaXero]: ._.
I kinda wish I could find a college and go to it...

2009-08-13 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: Huh? What grade... or... are you going into college, Caita?

2009-08-14 [EnigmaXero]: Cooollleeege.

2009-08-22 [Lady Arrianya]: i am taking a year off before i jump into college so ya its just the working all the time to be able to survive that sucks

2010-11-19 [shadow frost wolf]: heh, good ol days XD

2011-01-23 [Lady Arrianya]: XD

2011-01-25 [shadow frost wolf]: too bad most of the members are inactive now

2011-04-04 [Lady Arrianya]: :( I am trying to get a chance to actually be fully active at anything again sadly

2011-04-05 [shadow frost wolf]: i still get on to check my messages and such, but nothing is ever going on with the wiki comments.

2020-08-18 [Yudan333]: as a fan of wolves and someone who has worked with them I think that should change :3

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